Track of the day... Violet Bones - I Feel The Need

They are so unknown it hurts!

Violet Bones... Indie, Rock, Maybe even some pop included. One of my fave local bands from Cambridge. I honestly think they can get big. If not, big on the indie scene.

'I Feel The Need', is a poppy indie track that has me in love with it as soon as I finished hearing it. The chorus is amazing and the backing vocals complement it very well. With twangy guitars at the beginning and a drummer that knows how to... erm drum, they can easilly do lots in the near future. Judging by the flyer I got, they are unsigned at the moment, so our second unsigned band on track of the day.

Biography from their myspace... "Viloet Bones are a four piece indie pop band, all sharing the common purpose that they have something to say and that they wanted people to hear! Writing songs based on their experiences in life and not because certain topics are cool! Having played together for a few years before, they focused on writing songs that reflected the feelings of the four young men living in a world full of recession, dreams of escaping small town mentalities and of course… girls!

Si, Rik, Stuart and Oz, all played and wrote music together since 2005 (despite being mates for longer), performing countless gigs up and down the country. Now in their early 20s, they made the choice not to go to university as they didn’t want to end up being ‘twenty-somethings’ with a load of debt and a useless degree in geography! Now being faced with the realities of dead end boring jobs, working long hours that leads to no real money worked as a twisted inspiration to get out of the socially acceptable nine to five lifestyle.

Recording songs with The Animal Farm in May 2009, announcing their new identity a few months later. To date, Violet Bones have performed many shows; including Manchester’s In The City showcase and supporting punk heroes New York Dolls, which is encouraging a rapidly increasing fanbase.

Violet Bones are Si Dartford, Rik Hudson, Stuart Gill and Oz Sim"