Album Review... Dutch Uncles - Cadenza

In 2009, a little band from Manchester released an eponymous début on a German label, leaving only a little impression on their local scene. Dutch Uncles have come to the attentions of influential sorts in the music industry. Now picked up by label-of-fine-repute Memphis Industries, and with support from several acts enjoying moderate-to-decent success, they’re poised to take a belated step into mainstream hearts!

Recorded in a basement in Salford, Dutch Uncles’ début album Cadenza could well be the Indie pop soundtrack of the summer. With strong friendship links to fellow Mancunian musicians Everything Everything they too prove that qwerky Art-Rock can be more than fun to listen to, it's a joy. The album The album’s first track, aptly named 'Cadanza', is a great opener. It oozes an instant summery pop sound and gives us an idea as to what can be expected throughout, the same can be said about their 2010 single 'The Ink' and also with the inclusion of fan favourite 'OCDUC' with the funky piano entrance you do have a wide variety of sound from this Art-Rock outfit. Other highlights from the track-list would be 'Zalo' with its bursts of riffs and slow melodies to give you a long lasting memory of this astounding album!

Dutch Uncles - Cadenza (Album)
Out of 10: 8/10

The punchy, twinkling, arty hooks and hard technical time signatures give something that other bands have not as of late, a great follow up album. I only bought this yesterday (shame on me), but I have bonded with it very quickly as it makes me feel right at home! Well worth the buy!

Cadenza (Delphic remix) by Dutch Uncles

Dutch Uncles - Cadenza (Delphic Remix)