Introducing... Only Shadows

Recently the Midlands has had a massive regeneration due to the thanks of Peace, Swim Deep, JAWS and Troumaca. One thing amongst those bands is missing slightly, a proper Indie-Rock band with it's roots buried in Post-Punk/Revival. Only Shadows have come out from the darkness and into the light recently, after having their début track "Many A Mountain" as our track of the week we saw how many people love the sound the foursome have crafted for themselves.

Much like any Post-Punk/Revival band they've got a B-Side floating about, but this isn't any B-Side, "Be Still" is just as good as the A-Side, a little on the slower side and gentler than it's predecessor the band have now got two great songs doing the business for them. They'll be playing shows all around the place soon, with huge hype behind them and great friends pushing them, they're on the way to being the next big thing to break from the Midlands.

For fans of // Bloc Party, Editors, WU LYF

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