Musicians Tips for 2014 // Featuring tips from As Elephants Are, Is Tropical and Elephant

In a new yearly segment we chat to some of our favourite bands about artists they're tipping for 2014.


Picked by // Robert James Waters of As Elephants Are
"Just because they're a great band, with a great sound and I'm really looking forward to hearing their début album as they have not released anything I have not loved so far!"


Picked by // Gary Barber of Is Tropical
"Drugz'n'dreamz will expand your mind to new levels! It's like eating fly agarics for breakfast.

Picked by // Gary Barber of Is Tropical

"MT are like the strokes with the danceable side of LCD soundsystem. Every track has huge choruses, and they have the sexiest drummer in town."

Shy Girls:
Picked by // Christian Pinchbeck of Elephant
"There are way, way too many bands, we have by far reached saturation point with a pool of copycats and over inspired forget-me-nots. Shy Girls could be one of those, but at least they get it right."