Sounds of 2014 - #15 - Jaws

Jaws have been in the shadows of Peace and Swim Deep ever since they came onto the scene, but biding their time, relentlessly touring and playing festivals all year has made them one of the hottest acts in the UK right now! With Zane Lowe no less loving their work and Huw Stephens repeatedly playing their work too!

They've been a band I've been into since the demo CD, and I'm not saying that, I actually do have it! They've been rising with the B-Town scene, but recently they've been lagging behind. But this performance will push them back into the spotlight, with their "Milkshake" EP already out and their single "Gold" out as well, now is the time to jump on the band-wagon, check out "Gold" below to see why we've been following them for so long!

Summer loving starts with Jaws! With an EP made up of their work so far 2014 is set to be a year they (finally?) release their début album, if not a good string of EPs will give them lots of fans to hype them up! Get on this band-wagon before NME hates them!

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