Moats in Belgium - Day TWO - In all honesty this day
was a massive, juicy, tremendous chiller but we still managed to
achieve some productive stuff but nowhere near as hectic as day 1. It
started with me waking up at around 11 am and putting on Mac Demarco’s
new album, “Salad Days” to wake up the rest of the lads to.
Ghents River
I whipped open the blinds and saw that it was a scorcher. I didn’t even feel hung over. The rest of the geezers didn’t look too bad either. Pyrah and me went for a walk down to the shop to go grab our groceries for the next few days, which involved cornflakes, bread, meat and loads of pasta. I was planning to get myself some tasty fruit squash but to my surprise it appears that fruit squash isn’t a big thing in Belgium. What a disgrace. I just got me some bottles of diet coke instead.
Some interesting magazine
Nathan found a waffle and he didn’t even want Nutella on it.
As it was a nice day when Pyrah and me got back we insisted the other two should get up and enjoy the sunshine. We popped on our shades and got jiggy with it. We walked all around the beautiful city of Ghent and took some snaps; we were being proper tourists. We also grabbed some of the tasty fries and a few burgers from McDonalds. It was sweet. I started feeling quite creative after walking around and seeing so much so told the lads to come back to the gaff to write some tunes. Everyone was throwing ideas left right and center and we ended up writing two new tunes that we were all very satisfied by. We also had ideas to chuck in to other new tunes. After I cooked me up some pasta and the others ate some pizza, we had a few beers and were gunna go out to see a band play just down the road but we kept the creative juices flowing and carried on having a jam. This kept going on until the night fell. Pyrah jumped in bed and the rest of us sat by our laptops watching Sex and the City till we fell asleep. Not too bad a day to be honest. Just a chiller.
They love it.