An Interview With... Twin Peaks

Chicago teens Twin Peaks recently released their debut LP ‘Wild Onion’ so decided to fly over to the UK to play some intimate gigs in London. We caught up with Caiden (vocals/guitar), Clay (guitar), Jack (bass) and Connor (drums) on day 2 in London before they played an in-store set at Rough Trade.

How are you guys today?

Good. Feeling swell… Splendid!

So you’re playing three shows in London whilst you’re over here, tonight is show number two, how’s it been playing to a UK crowd?

It’s been good. I think they really liked it last night. They weren’t as crazy as our hometown Chicago gigs get but I think that will probably be different at the last show we play. I think that one is supposed to get pretty wild… I don’t know! It comes with time really. It’s a long way to come for you guys! Yeah, I think we surprised the shit out of a lot of people yesterday. I think a lot of them didn’t know who we were and all the other bands were pretty mellow so they were pretty shocked, I think.

If you guys had to describe your sound to someone that’s never heard you before in just three words, what would you describe it as?

Rock and roll. Yeah, that’s pretty much it and whenever someone asks, like if we are on the road and we tell someone we are in a band and we play music, we just say ‘Yeah, we’re rock and roll’ and that’s pretty much it. When we get sopped speeding that’s what we tell the police… ‘We’re in a rock and roll band!’.

Does that work? Do you get let off?

No. Sometimes they’re like ‘Oh that’s really cool! Here’s your ticket.’

Now I’m pretty certain I know where your name comes from but to anyone that has absolutely no idea, where does the nam ‘Twin Peaks’ come from?

Well we have a restaurant chain in America called Twin Peaks that’s kind of like Hooters… Do you have Hooters out here?

I don’t think so… Not that I’m aware!

Do you have like, a restaurant where they only employ big breasted women?

Urm… Not that I have come across… I don’t think so!

You guys are much too classy. So Twin Peaks… you know… Twin Peaks… Hand motions don’t really come across in audio but they all wear plaid crop top shirts and have big breasts and that’s really where we got the name from.

Moving on from that… What is it that made you guys start making music and start a band?

We all just liked playing music and liked similar kinds of music so in high school when we wanted to make a band it kind of made sense to get together. We didn’t start touring till a year or two later but we were all just about the same shit.

So it was all very natural coming together?

Yeah. We all just love music and love playing together… I [Clay] wasn’t any good at baseball.

And as a band, do you prefer writing and producing albums over playing shows or vice versa?

It depends. It’s really different. It was a lot of fun making this record [Wild Onion] because it was the first time we were in a legitimate studio so that was a first time experience which was a lot of fun. We play a shit ton of shows so the magic of first playing shows isn’t as big anymore… I don’t know, it’s just different vibes. We play differently when we are in the studio as supposed to when we are on stage.

So, hypothetically speaking, if you were in charge of your own music festival and you had unlimited budget, who would you choose to headline the festival and why?

Do they have to be alive?

Any artist, dead or alive.

Damn… Any year?

Any year. Literally, it can be anyone.

I’d probably have The Beatles do every album in order of when they came out… so do an 8 hour set or whatever. People have to like, pump morphine to stay awake… it’d be pretty badass. But they are just on one stage so you can just kind of walk past. But they’d be playing all three days. Definitely The Beatles though because they weren’t playing live after the did their dopest albums so no one saw that. It’d be the best festival that ever happened.

That’s a popular one… We’ve had a few people say The Beatles!

Sure, it’s an easy answer! But it’s also just the truth. I’d have The Doors playing on a stage somewhere… on the Acid Stage… Definitely.

Yeah, I’ve heard some pretty intense stories about Jim Morrison. He once ate so much marijuana on stage that he passed out.

Yeah, sounds like him! Sounds like Jim! There would also be a dodgeball court. A skatepark. Dude… a dodgeball court at a music festival would be dope! And it’s actually everyone playing against Black Sabbath or something. It’s like dodgeball and you’re trying to peg Ozzy, shit like that. Also, Eagulls would play. They would be there chilling… Ripping it up. Your [UK] Eagulls! Not ours [The Eagles].

I’m seeing them tomorrow, actually!

No way man! Where?

In Cambridge.

Tell them Twin Peaks say what’s up? Tell them we said hi! Those guys are our dudes.

Definitely will. It seems like you guys got very carried away with that question! Have to been planning this all out?

No! Hey, maybe we will play a few songs? We might play a set! We will open it up.

You guys are only here for three gigs, do you reckon we can expect a full UK tour soon?

Yeah. I think early next year keep your eyes out for some dates. In March 2015 or something. The album has only just come out here so it’s caught up and starting to grow in the UK. So far, we love Europe! It’s been pretty dope so far… London is sick. So awesome.

Finally, if you were to give your ten year old selves one line of advice for the future what would it be?

Take it easy… do it all the same! Don’t do anything different. But invest in Apple, because one day you’ll be rich. Or like, bet on a World Series or some shit. Bet on the Red Sox winning the World Series in… what was it? 2012? In that specific year bet like, $1,000,000 on the first game of the year. Just be cool little man! Take it easy bro. Don’t let these girls get you down buddy… Your balls will drop someday… The girls will talk to you soon enough! We had some of the best days in Kindergarten… those were the good days.

Do you remember any of these good days?

It was just a lot of running around… Some kid in my [Jack] class pooped his pants and it was the funniest shit I had ever seen. His name was Chaz. I [Caiden] remembering hiding behind a wall and I had just learnt what flipping someone off was so I hid behind a wall and flipped off this kid called Franco because he was pissing me off. But I felt so bad about it…

Well it’s been lovely speaking to you!

Thanks a lot man!

Check out single 'Flavor' from 'Wild Onion'.

'Wild Onion' is out now and you can buy it here.

- Words by Nathan McLaren-Stewart (@nxths)