Following their critically-acclaimed prior releases "Ghost" and "When the Light Goes Down", the trio of VIØLETS have dropped their incredibly infectious new track "Falling In Time", which is officially out on the 24th of November.
Speaking on the track, Aaron, Rob and Pippa state: "This track was written after spending a summer with some amazing people - it's about a place where you can be where/whoever you want to be, a parallel to the real world; a place full of dreamers and their dreams. It's about the feeling of living in the moment - a carelessness that is rare and something we wanted to capture. A feeling that we all share."
Speaking on the track, Aaron, Rob and Pippa state: "This track was written after spending a summer with some amazing people - it's about a place where you can be where/whoever you want to be, a parallel to the real world; a place full of dreamers and their dreams. It's about the feeling of living in the moment - a carelessness that is rare and something we wanted to capture. A feeling that we all share."