Timi Temple has shared his latest single with us on SubmitHub, "Coming Home" a celebration of a year since he launched the project, the song itself is an upbeat affair, Timi says "it's about travelling the world to find where the grass is greener... only to be pulled home by the comfort of family and friends."
The song features his full immediate family as they all sing on the chorus of this track, including his three sisters, Father and Girlfriend. The track is officially out now and you can listen to it below. We've also added it to our Spotify playlist, so head there for more great music daily.
The song features his full immediate family as they all sing on the chorus of this track, including his three sisters, Father and Girlfriend. The track is officially out now and you can listen to it below. We've also added it to our Spotify playlist, so head there for more great music daily.