Alexander Teller Is A Snake Oil Seller and just by coincidence that’s also the name of his EP that is to be released early 2020.
He’s a pastor’s son, who, while he doesn’t believe in God, still thinks he’s probably going to hell. Teller has spent the last three years writing and producing this record, which he presents to you now. He tells himself he doesn’t care what people think about it, but really he does. Of course he does.
It Couldn’t Be You is Alexander’s latest art-rock offering. The track itself opens with a cinematic raft of strings and guitar, met by passionate lyrics with influences such as Pink Floyd for example.
It Couldn’t Be You is an exercise in thinking about anything other than what’s on your mind. Maybe you just need to take a holiday? Take a walk? Maybe you did make a terrible decision that you can’t really go back or it could be that you just need an early night and to put the recycling out.
If you like what you're reading then click here to listen to the new track.