Los Angeles based outfit quartet comprised of three self-taught musicians and a classical opera singer from New York City, this new band is certainly one that sounds amazing from the first sentence! "Vertigo" is one of a trio of songs the band have released this year and is a flavour of what their debut LP will sound like.
Let's get into the track, shall we! "Vertigo" kicks off with thick guitars welcoming you, add in haunting effects throughout the intro and you're given a very dark vibe - which is something we love here. The
vocals are equally as evocative as they elevate the sound even more and whilst doing so elevates the track even more.
When the chorus hits you it feels like you're in a track written by Savages and heavily influenced by The Cure - there is something here that we love the most it's the dark and moody chorus that gives you chills on your arms.
"Vertigo" goes from nostalgic to wistful and atmospheric throughout and gives you a ride through bands that have influenced them all. It's a Post-Punk track for the 2020 era, dark and unforgettable (just wait for the latter minute of the track, it's signature MIHI NIHL.
The song has already got a placement in the film The High Note (starring Dakota Johnson), and the band have been praised by a smattering of music blogs and zines along the way. So, keep an eye on these four, with just three songs out already the future is looking solid for a band that knows how to write evocative and dark music.