The question that's on all of our lips... Will Arctic Monkeys release new music in 2021? We think it'll be a yes, and here's why.
Back in 2018 (nearly three years ago now) the quartet dropped their sixth studio album "Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino", and with it came a mixture of reviews from fans. However the critics loved it, and the die-hard Alex Turner fans saw this sound coming from a mile off due to his side-project The Last Shadow Puppets's sound on their 2016 EP "The Dream Sypnosis". You see elements of Alex's work with Miles Kane and co bleed over into the music he creates with his fellow members of Arctic Monkeys.
Moving into 2021, and after the shitstorm of a year we had in 2020 with Covid-19 taking its toll on the world, everything got put on hold, however, at the tail end of the year news emerged that the band was working on new music.
Back in early December, the band's manager Ian McAndrew said the following in an interview with MusicWeek - "In this rather disjointed time, the guys are beavering away and I hope that next year they’ll start working on some new songs, new ideas, with a view on a future release. There were recording plans in the summertime that got canned as a result of the travel restrictions."
Come 2021 and there's not a lot of albums due for release compared to the years previous, but in an Instagram live stream drummer Matt Helders mentions "There’s definitely a desire from our end to do a new record as soon as we can."
With the band eager and a desire to record as soon as they can we will definitely have new tunes hopefully by the end of the year. If we get some angsty lockdown cuts from Arctic Monkeys out of this long wait then it'll be all worth it.