Birmingham quintet Demelza has recently unveiled their dreamy and surf-pop tinted debut single "Little Me", and it's a track that'll have you drawn in from the outset.
The debut single opens with a wash of sunbathed guitar tones laced with plenty of reverb, as soon as the intro is done you're welcomed in with Cherry Halfyard's sensationally smooth vocals.
For a debut single this is up there with the very best anthemic indie-pop cuts.
There is a big Bombay Bicycle Club vibe here, especially in the chorus as it's got one of those upbeat guitar riffs that carry the track forwards.
Without taking anything away from the rest of the band, of course, the bassline is perfectly mixed in with the crisp drums underlining it all - however, the track really does shine upon those sweet vocals and delightful guitar lined. As a debut effort this is sensational, be sure to keep an eye on Demelza.