With Volleyball's last single getting them a huge amount of attention, the band now returns with the follow-up to their exciting track "Paradisco" with an equally as cosmic cut "Escape".
Volleyball is really on the rise, and with each track, they're getting better and better. It really won't be too long before they're on everyone's lips!
Speaking about the new single the band mentions - " ... Escape" was written around the concept of a zen metaphor: the present moment flows like water with a wake behind it that fades - the great river of time. We loved this image and wanted to look at how music provides an escape, naturally and effortlessly."
I'd have to admit this to be clear, once I heard the intro to the new single I was hooked. It's so dreamy you can sink right into it within the first few seconds. Add in the hazy vocals, psychedelic tinted guitar tones, and almost math-rock type drum beats and you have yourself one of the best alt-pop tracks to come out of London in the past year.
Volleyball is really on the rise, and with each track, they're getting better and better. It really won't be too long before they're on everyone's lips!