Hailing from a little known place in Texas C.S. Fulp has dropped his third single of 2022. "Burnout" sees the multi-instrumentalist deliver a rather expansive and well flashed out track that is sure to capture more fans and plays.
It's a classic example of bedroom-pop track that has had a lot of love, affection and time worked on it - as you can hear by the production values.
C.S. Fulp is still riding high of from his 2021 single "Ego Death" and this new track sees him pushing himself even more. Opening up with heavily reverbed guitars and soft vocals the track is wrapped up in some fuzz and warm tones from thereafter. It's a classic example of bedroom-pop track that has had a lot of love, affection and time worked on it - as you can hear by the production values.
The new single is set to be on his debut EP of which is due to be released later on this year, so head over to his Spotify and follow him - you'll regret it if you didn't do it sooner!