Switzerland's IRJA today have sensationally returned with their atmospheric new single, "Foot in the Door", and now the duo find themselves being based out of London, UK their sound has evolved with them. "Foot in the Door" is a very atmospheric affair right from the start and has this commanding synth which gives us Stranger Things vibes.
"Foot In The Door" is a future anthem in the waiting.
The thick synth lines and high guitar tones in the single give the song the impression that it is flying into the night sky. It has a sound that makes me think of The XX in some ways, but with more synths and a more futuristic feel.
With some shows in and around London this year the duo have got themselves a solid foundation to really push with growing even bigger in 2023, and with "Foot In The Door" now out there I can see loads more fans finding out about them and loving them!
If you're in Basel next week great news as they're performing at the Atlantis venue in the city. We're loving what we're hearing and who knows where this will take them, all we know is that this is a future anthem in the waiting.