New Jersey's Matt DeAngelis recently has revealed his powerful new single, "Change Your Ways". The new offering is the seventh track to be released from the singer-songwriter in 2022 following on from his debut EP "World I'm Coming For You" and following single "Real Future".
... he's certainly onto something with this retro-tinted new tune!
Opening up with a delicate piano with cascading drums it hits you right away that this will be a soulful rock tune. Vocally Matt is strong, carrying his high pitched tones rather well throughout it's one of the highlights for me. Within the song too I can also feel a slight 90s rock vibe with it, with the deep guitars helping to drive "Change Your Ways" forwards even more.
The blend of spoken words ad cinematic tones towards the end more than cements the reason why he's on the rise, and with 18k plays within the first week he's certainly onto something!