You may know of Tyler Elden already if you're a reader of this site, and now Tyler has formed a new band called Tyler Elden & The Night Figures and today marks toe revealing of their debut single "Bruised Love".
The step is a big one for Tyler as he now is going in head first into the unknown, but from what we can tell from this track is that they're going to do pretty damn well.
It feels like we've been listening to them for ages that's how quickly I warmed up to their debut single, just simply fantastic!
The hush vocal tones from Elden are very present as always, but what this track does it elevates it with beautiful guitar tones that reminds me of Radiohead in the mid 2000s, like borderline experimental but still keeping it well within the realms of indie-rock.
The chorus is peak Tyler Elden, but once again his new band has enhanced it even more as the other members have brought so much vibrance to it all, giving it this tremendous sheen. It feels like we've been listening to them for ages that's how quickly I warmed up to their debut single, just simply fantastic!