Max Edwards earlier this month returned with his captivating new single, "I Love You". The new offering from the Canadian singer-songwriter could be the best he has made to date, which is a tough job considering he managed to get 70k plays on Spotify last year alone!
Vocally strong with expansive music to back it up, you need to check out Max Edwards' latest offering asap.
The moody and heartbreaking new single is highly focused on Max's stunning vocals, and the track is rather stripped back so it can shine ever so brightly.
The instrumentation you can hear is very expansive, strong piano keys work with some thick synth keys that almost act as the bass and sparse drum kicks it combines together to create a wonderful backdrop for Max to lay his vocals onto it.
If you love "I Love You" then do be sure to check out Max Edwards on the socials, and of course Spotify too - there are many more great tunes where this came from!
Speaking about the new single he says - " ... "I Love you" is a song I wrote last year when I was living in a city for the 1st time and I struggled making new friends. I was lucky enough to be living with my girlfriend who really was my best friend at the time."