Cornish outfit Damn The Wolves today return with their new single, "Dying To Come Back To Life", and with some healthy numbers on their first two singles it sounds like they've cranked it up a bit for the new offering.
Commanding vocals and juicy hooks left right and center.
Opening up with a commanding guitar and a simplistic drumbeat you focus right away on the anthemic vocals, and as the track ticks on by more is added to proceedings. As soon as the chorus comes in it explodes into a symphony of soaring indie-rock goodness, with enough hooks to fill up arenas all over the world.
Speaking about the track the band mentions - " ... "Dying To Come Back To Life" is about isolation and the feeling that life is being squandered. But, despite looking inwardly, the song is blasted out in a rousing ‘surely, I can’t be the only one feeling this way’ anthem. Regardless of this decline and confinement, sensing that we might all be giving up without a fight, there is a belief that a better day and togetherness might still be possible."
Now with having a trio of songs out in the wild Damn The Wolves have a clearly defined sound and long may it continue, just remember to give these three gents a follow on the socials before their rise to fame!