Ever on the rise is Camen, and just this Friday gone saw the band drop their banging new tune, "On The Walk From The Picturehouse". Since they released "poltergeist" last year the band has been enjoying a reemergence on their scene and beyond, with each track averaging 50k plays, and this new single sounds like it could break the algorithm.
Camens are once again showcasing why they're one of the best bands in the country!
Much like the singles before it the track is enriched with a vibrant guitar, but this time around it's somewhat dirty with the effects giving it that raw feel. Vocally we're once again treated to a lesson on how to deliver vocals for an indie-rock anthem with lyrics that can easily hook the newest of fans in.
The track has an incredibly catchy tone to it, giving the listener something to start moshing their heads to in no time. Camens are once again showcasing why they're one of the best bands in the country, if you're working for a major label be sure to sign them up before others do!