Coming out of the New York City scene is Mortal Prophets and at the tail end of June saw them release "Down on Me", which is lifted from their new album "Dealey Plaza Blues". Now if you're familiar with the lyrics then it's due to the song being a traditional freedom song from the 1920s.
Mortal Prophets have taken a 100-year-old track and has given it a new lease of life!
This version of the song takes a daring leap from its origins in the 1920s and undergoes a complete reimagination, transforming into an electrifying synth-rock anthem with a marching drumbeat to match.
The track has its 1920s roots, yes, but what Mortal Prophets has done is take a 100-year-old track and turned it into a tune that wouldn't sound out of place on any art-rock/electro-rock playlist!