Hothead Wave shares 90s-tinted debut single, "Here"

Nashville-based act Hothead Wave just a few days ago shared their debut single, "Here". The single is the first of Lizzy Cruz's new project and sees the singer-songwriter delve into the realms of nostalgic garage-rock with a very retro 90s feel to it.

... be sure to jump on board this hype train before it leaves!

The single got picked up by a Spotify Editorial just three hours before writing this article, so expect to see Hothead Wave get a huge boost of listeners.

The song is a fantastic whirl of sounds that I personally grew up on, raw vocals with scuzzy guitar tones all wrapped up in a wall of soaring riffs. The beat of the song is perfect with a very danceable tempo to it, which to me sounds like it was written in such a way as to get new fans on board in an instant. 

The project is all self-produced which adds even more dimension to it, so do be sure to jump on board this hype train before it leaves!