seren unveils her stunning new single, "retrospective jealousy"

Following on from her stunning second album "seren's fairytale' in 2023 the new year has blossomed us already a track that'll have us captivated right until the very end. Last Friday saw seren unveil her stunning new single, "retrospective jealousy", and it's already gone getting plenty of attention from everyone who's laid ears upon it.

It's clear that seren has the talent, so if you like this then follow her on the journey, she could easily be the next big female vocalist from the UK.

One thing I have to applaud seren for is her vocal ability, as I honestly thought this was a fake name for Lana Del Rey (like how some artists release a new project under a different name), the tones are there and she can easily reach the upmost notes.

Lyrically is pure and raw, with plenty of emotions that you'll be holding onto every word. The acoustic guitar provides a sense of honesty, with it helping to ground the track down to earth giving it a dark-folk sort of feel.

It's clear that seren has the talent, so if you like this then follow her on the journey, she could easily be the next big female vocalist from the UK.