Drug Store Raid drops their fuzzy new tune, "Vi Är Finnjävlar"

If you're into your frantic and nostalgic sounds then Drug Store Raid have a fantastic track for you to sink into. "Vi Är Finnjävlar" is the track, and yes for those who speak English the track title is a bit of a brain-fuzz, but don't worry the music will easily get you onboard.

A very angular and fuzzy track to get addicted to!

The lyrics are in English and portray things about modern-day Finland - where the band is from. Musically it's gritty like those early 2000s indie bands with brass elements that you'd expect to hear on a Madness song.

The chorus is frantic and will no doubt go a long way in getting plenty of concert-goers to create a mosh-pit! This also acts as the first track from Drug Store Raid's forthcoming album, titled "Background Music For Family Arguments" it'll be out via Kieku Records later this year on the 15th of November.