Points drop their frantic new tune, "Hey"

Following on from their debut EP back in 2018, titled "Adapt", the Baldock-based band Points are back with their epic new anthem,"Hey". The six-year wait for them to come out with new music must've felt like an age for their fans, but the way that this track launches it will certainly put any past desires to rest.

"Hey" is a grunge-tinted alt-rock anthem just waiting to be discovered.

"Hey" is filled with a swooning guitar-riff right from the get-go, and backed up with a high tempo drumbeat it helps drive the track right into your consciousness. The vocals on this feel like they are festival-ready, and no doubt it was written with that in mind as when the chorus hit it's one of those grunge-tinted alt-rock anthems.

Expect to hear more from these guys in the coming months as they've got more singles planned, so get ready for it!