Adam Ashten shares the retro-tinted new cut, "Never Gonna Quit"

Canadian singer-songwriter Adam Ashten released his new single a few days ago, titled "Never Gonna Quit." The song instantly got me to remember the post-Britpop type of acts with big nasal tones mixed in with orchestral pop tones.

... a cinematic, post-Britpop anthem blending orchestral tones, heartfelt lyrics, and nostalgic charm.

The smooth tones on the song remind me a lot of those more laid-back Liam Gallagher songs, and with added strings on the song, it's pretty cinematic and deeply evocative too. Speaking about the song Adam says - " ... "Never Gonna Quit" was written during a time when I was on the verge of stepping away from music yet again. As parents, my wife and I always teach our daughter the value of perseverance and hard work to achieve her dreams. That realization hit me hard—how could I consider giving up while teaching her to never give up?"

Deep into the song the mixture of vocal tones combined with the organs will start to win you over, taking you back to a time when the world was simpler. There's a delicate and yet warm guitar solo towards the end too, so be sure to stick about for that!

Find more amazing music like this in our Modern Nostalgia playlist on Spotify!