EP Review... Tell It To The Marines - Bridges

A special track-by-track review of the latest Tell It To The Marines EP, this has been out for over 6 months now and I have been appreciating it more and more as time has gone by. I discovered this band from the Cambridge/Bury St Edmunds area before I even started the blog. The first material I downloaded was (from what I know of) their first release under the current name. They are a Ambient-Pop-Rock who give you songs that sound like they belong being blasted through the Leeds and Reading speakers!

Flare Guns:
The opening track and this sets the release on fire from the beginning! With typical indie guitars on the intro and simple drumming you are thought that this is going to be a generic indie track. Not if they have anything to do with it, then it hits you. Guitars that sound like they have been designed on a Bloc Party tour bus accompanied with wonderful vocals from the lead singer. Then the chorus hits in and it sounds like a combination of Lostprophets, Bloc Party and Editors. The rest of the song is just epic, it continues on this line and then finished off with a flourish of drum hitting, guitar strumming and a guitar solo before ending on a bang!
Out of 10: 8/10

My New Best Friend:
Hard to follow on from that isn't it? Nope, this track continues on the lines of anthematic rock with a brilliant intro then drops into the sweet guitars and then once you think that's what the song is going to be like they go back to the anthematic rock. I love when they do that, the singer shouts ''You're so overrated, you're over rated", which I seem is odd since this song seems to be underrated, how the big players in the music industry don't know about them is just beyond me. Another big track making this EP perfect so far!
Out of 10: 9/10

They continue with the brilliant intros with this song, twangy ticking guitars flow for 30 seconds then the noise hits you, the other guitar hits and then it disperses into a song that wouldn't sound out of place on any big rock acts set-list, with the approaching drums sensing that something big is happening in the next chorus it gives you a sense of excitement. They finally hit you with a what you would expect... more big sounds! The hooks on this track just eclipse the other songs it followed. And the ending, oh my god! Amazing the instrumental ending is just superb.
Out of 10: 9/10

Now I am not joking if I was to say that one of the guitars sounds like the Editors on the album The Back Room? It does! The progressive drums also hit you before the vocals hit and then crashes to let the vocals in. I have tom admit the production is very good on this song, and you can hear it when the first bridge comes in. Fireworks is such a good name for this song as I can easily see a video happening here with explosives and flashes of light in the background with gusts of wind. Imagine Ash - Burn Baby Burn with lightning, strobe lights and wind, and there you have it!
Out of 10: 8/10

WOW they end up on the title track with a little bit of all of the songs making a difference. The epic start and lyrics, the beautiful structuring of the song and the hooks in the chorus, this is a slower track compared to the rest of the EP but it does not drop above par throughout. Yet due to its slower rhythm you are hit with the wonderful guitar at the end of the song giving you a perfect send off to what has been one of the best EPs I have listened to in the past year!
Out of 10: 8/10

Tell It To The Marines - Bridges
Out of 10: 8.8/10

Tell It To The Marines - Bridges EP