EP Review... Kilto Take - Kilto Take EP

Another special EP review and this time it is from a band who are from Bedfordshire. They are a Indie Rock band who love to play music that gets the rhythm inside of you and blasts it with lashings of rock! I do hope they get noticed because the world deserves bands like these guys. Hanging around and lurking in the deep belly of Bedfordshire they deserve to be noticed and would do them a whole load of good, you will soon realise in this review why they are a brilliant band!

The opening track and it entices you into their sound straight away with a brilliant riff, a tight bass and superb drumming. The vocals kick in and it only just gets better! A slow start perhaps but the momentum builds and when the chorus comes you know it is going to be a cracking one. It hits, yup, I was right, the singer cries out "Hold me, you can't deny this stuff is real", but oh it is. It's real for sure, honestly this song is just *AWESOME*
Out of 10: 10/10

Along the same lines of Retrogress it starts off with a hook, that super riff, smooth bass and drumming all performed as tight as a drum. The effects on the guitar are brilliant here, this track is 4:30 long and I wish it was longer, I love it. Maybe not as fast as Retrogress but the chorus makes this song such an anthem for me! Easily, by far they can play one of the big festivals and people will be going crazy for it! Once again they have hit gold!
Out of 10: 9/10

Cause & Effect:
A slower track but by no means bad. They show their calm side with ease, in places sounding almost as if U2 wrote the entire song, a warming track to be driving to on a drizzly British day. They send you away to a land of beauty, as such this track is about love. Once again the riffy guitar is easily heard here with the bass just complimenting the track in such a way that this makes the EP for me. The close to this track is brilliant, as the track build you up and slowly sets itself to sleep.

If anything, this tune has elements from each of the three songs that came before it, the slowness and heartfelt lyrics of Cause & Effect, the insane riffs of the first two tracks and the tightness of all of the above! The outro is a brilliant way to end the EP with guitar hooks, light backing vocals and a fade away smoothing out the EP into one brilliant listen!

Kilto Take - Kilto Take EP
Out of 10: 9.5/10

One of the highest scoring EP I have reviewed so far, I can't really sum up how good this EP is... but I can try. The momentum of the EP contontinues through all of the songs and doesn't drop below perfection! They have insane catchy riffs, lyrics to hook you, drumming and bass to leave you in awe of the 3 piece! If you ever get to buy the CD, buy two before they become massive! It will be available soon on the internet, seriously, check them out!

Kilto Take - Retrogress - Via Myspace
Kilto Take - Cause & Effect - Via Myspace
Kilto Take - Cause & Effect (Remixed Version) - Via Myspace