NEWS: Member departs from Ideals

Sad news today, Ideals member Matthew Bunkell has left Ideals, just days before the most important part of the year in the musical world; the "Tips for 2011". Below is a quote from their facebook.
"Due to conflicting interests and commitment to the band Matthew has had to leave Ideals. It was a healthy and mutual decision that is in the best interests of everyone involved. We wish him all the best in his university work and any future projects and are thankful for the 11 beautiful months that he has been part of this band. We will be announcing his replacement next week."
This comes to a shock to me and also their fans as when I saw them play the Norwich Arts Centre last month I thought they were so tight in their performance and gelled to well together. Hopefully a interview will come from somewhere detailing the whys of this.

Ideals - Don't Tell Anyone
Ideals - Forever Leisure