EP Review... The Moccasins - The Moccasins EP

Arms: This song starts off the EP in a way that only can be described as 'Foals', but that's only one guitar, the guitar parts way with the song and the verse comes in, brilliant singing and lovely guitar playing! I have to admit the song is very well produced and it is a testament to the lads who must of spent lots of money planning this! The song builds up then drops towards the end. I love it!
Out of 10: 7/10

The Place:
A gentler opening yet more upbeat, the drum beat kicks in and you are welcomed to a verse that seems to be filled with darkness. Backing vocals come in over the top and adds to the darkness. Then the track comes out into the light and picks up a fast guitar before going back into the verse of dark. There is another build up towards the end of the song and it ends on a high note with more riffs and tight play
Out of 10: 8/10

Another light entrance the the song, more acoustic to this one as only two guitars and the bass are used for the first 30 or so seconds. Then the drum kicks in and speed things up. Things keep on getting better with the vocals, heart felt singing and frantic drumming intertwines with the guitars to create something The Vaccines would be pleased to release.
Out of 10: 9/10

Two Minds:
Another different instrument starts off the song, a drum beat kicks away and their vocals come over the top and it sounds like a Foals song if you take away the effects. The pace of the track varies throughout but they don't drop a beat, not a heartbeat. Keeping in time is hard even with the varied tempo of the song, well done chaps!
Out of 10: 8/10

She Wants Nothing:
NOW! This is the track that I love the most, featured on our 'Un-Signed Mixtape' and 'Foals Tribute EP' this song has already been downloaded over 300 times on the two mixtapes combined. And once people have downloaded the mixtapes they are treated to a brilliant track. I don't want to bore you with the details, you have to listen to it. You won't be disappointed. A brilliant way to end a beautiful EP!

The Moccasins - The Moccasins EP
Out of 10: 8.4/10

The Moccasins - She Wants Nothing