Album Review... The Wombats - This Modern Glitch

If any band were prone to suffer second album syndrome, it'd be The Wombats. Having shot to stardom back in 2007, their interim single received a lukewarm reception and, four years down the line, the pressure's on to produce a worthy follow-up to A Guide To Love, Loss And Desperation. As a reply, This Modern Glitch doesn't misfire, but nor does it sparkle.

Perfect Disease:
Our Perfect Disease provides an attention-grabbing, slick introduction. Thumping bass and rapid-fire electronics coil around fragile vocals. Slightly cheesy octaves leaven the mix - so far, so entertaining. Yet once you get your teeth into it, it's not a massive progression from the last album - and thus proves to be a sign of what's to come? The chorus diffuses the poised tension with spread guitar chords, before driving a stake through its heart with familiar 'ooh-oohing', a move which kills the brooding maturity.
Out of 10: 8/10

Tokyo (Vamires & Wolves):
Album standout 'Tokyo (Vampires and Wolves)' is the throwback jam dressed to the nines with plenty of dance floor hormones and bass; its message of celebrating the blissful ignorance of self-destruction and depth to a song referencing mythical monsters. This is definetly one of the highlights on the album.
Out of 10: 9/10

Jump Into The Fog:
Their second single off the album, and this accomplishes the same feat as the track before it, making the horrifying task of facing life’s uncertainties feel as big and anthemic as it should without losing the intimacy of being scared shitless.
Out of 10: 8/10

Not the best track they have made, the B-Sides on the two singles are better! Sorry but with lyrics such as 'Please allow me to be your anti-depressant/I too am prescribed as freely as any decongestant' I am going to give this a...

Last Night I Dreamt...:
The screeching guitar riff of Last Night I Dreamt, sounds more try hard than Anti-D, way too pop sounding for my liking, I don't want them to be a band that fades away into a world of nothingness, but this track is woeful. Sorry chaps.
Out of 10: 5/10

Techno Fan:
This song has a swagger of disco to it with the slightly cheesey synths, dance sound and a blatant attempt at trying to be Pop and not 'Indie'. This is a catchy song, the start it slow but then it kicks off and some bass and guitar riffs make me feel at home
Out of 10: 7/10

Even though it's a fairly standard affair, its verses have a catchy beat and the chorus is huge-sounding and quite memorable. 'We kissed with one eye on our TV set, and the more I give, the less I get' it goes. Murphy with the tune to the chorus as he sings "I'll never beat those teenage kicks", we are treated to an epic ending to a standard song.
Out of 10: 7/10

Walking Disasters:
This one fools you at first into thinking it's got a sort of summery vibe to it, but the bass comes in to turn it into a slightly deeper song, whilst retaining the catchy-ness of its beat. This is probably the closest you're going to get to the Wombats of 2007 on this album, even though its still quite a long way off. Still it's quite impressive. An 80's sound anyone?
Out 0f 10: 7/10

Girls/Fast Cars:
This song ticks all the boxes - tight percussion from Dan Haggis, chant-along chorus and devil-may-care attitude, the only criticism being that it takes a verse or two before it reaches the levels of testosterone needed to pull it all off.
Out of 10: 7/10

Schumacher The Champagne:
One track is worthy of special mention. Closing number Schumacher The Champagne comes completely out of leftfield. Screeching clunky fretwork and a quirky rhythm grab the attention, before growing into a real anthem for the down-and-out, distorted vocals soaring as Murphy revels in being crap at life. More like this, and the record would be on to a winner.
Out of 10: 7/10

The Wombats - This Modern Glitch
Out of 10: 7.1/10

The Wombats - Techno Fan (Acoustic)