Only a month after announcing that he was taking time off from the band to get treatment for lung cancer, TV on the Radio bassist Gerard Smith passed away today at 34, according to a statement on TVOTR’s official website.“We are very sad to announce the death of our beloved friend and bandmate, Gerard Smith, following a courageous fight against lung cancer,” the announcement read. “Gerard passed away the morning of April 20th, 2011. We will miss him terribly. There will be more information as it becomes available.”
The group says it will miss Smith terribly and calls him "our beloved friend and bandmate." The group has canceled its concerts for the next few days, starting Wednesday in Detroit.
TV On The Radio - Staring At The Sun by Johnny Strychnine
The group says it will miss Smith terribly and calls him "our beloved friend and bandmate." The group has canceled its concerts for the next few days, starting Wednesday in Detroit.
TV On The Radio - Staring At The Sun by Johnny Strychnine