Single Review... The Heartbreaks - Jealous, Don't You Know

Nothing much comes out of Morecambe, but this perfect Indie-Rock band come bearing wonderful music and catchy hooks and lyrics.

Jealous, Don't You Know:
A guitar enters and then a rushing drum beat kicks in with the bass, 'mwah', this is so brilliant. The vocals kick in and they are so powerful it is unbelievable why they are such a small unknown band! I first heard this song on a EP called 'Zip It Up' which also features artists that are only now just breaking through onto the big Indie stages. This song has a wonderful ending as you can hear the atmosphere in the song building and then suddenly ends in a majestical way!
Out of 10: 8/10

Similar entry to the track, a guitar welcomes you and then the vocals (which you have to stand back and admire) create such a magnificent sound. The B-Side is so close to the A-Side to this, thankfully I was the last one in Sister Ray to grab a copy on the day as Rough Trade sold out within minutes! If you can get a copy, DO! They are going to be bigger than this, trust me!
Out of 10: 7/10

The Heartbreaks - Jealous, Don't You Know 7"
Out of 10: 7.5/10

The Heartbreaks - Remorseful by PurplePR