Single Review... Justice - Civilization

The new justice 12" on 'Ed Banger' features the original and demo version. 2000 prints have been available worldwide that includes a poster.

There are certainly a number of critics arguing against the work of French electronic duo, Justice, but I beg to differ. Their début LP, †, was damn near incredible, and so is their latest single, “Civilization”. 'Civilization' is the lead single off justice's long-awaited sophomore album and it doesn't fail to impress, there's no radical departure but what there is is a thick justice groove laced with funk and a killer vocal to boot.
Out of 10: 8/10

Civilization (Demo):
Although this is the demo version at least you can see progression from the rusty rough demo to the full vindaloo version you see below. Yes it is a demo, so the highest I can really offer is a...
Out of 10: 6/10

Justice - Civilization 12"
Out of 10: 7/10

Justice "Civilization" High Quality by 1077 The End