Interview... with Ideals

Andrew (Vocals/Guitar) from Ideals is interviewed here with some information on their début album and EP releases, new tracks and their recent German tour.

Your sound has been the same from the beginning, great songs played by great musicians, from 'Lungs' through to your latest track 'Alter' what would you say if your personal favourite?
It’s very hard to pick a favourite out of your songs, mainly because I guess we don’t listen to them very much, only really when they are getting mixed or when we’re shooting a video. Personally I would say one of the tracks that will be on our new E.P called “Save Your Handshakes” is my favourite.

I hear rumours that there will be an album next year, but not after the EP. Are you going to record 'Lady In The Radiator'?
The next thing we’ll be doing after the E.P release will be writing an album. We’re unsure when it’ll be released but I’m guessing it’ll be next summer at some point. “Lady In The Radiator” won’t be on the album I’m afraid. It’ll be almost 100% brand new material with a couple of old tracks thrown in there.

You recently played your first tour in 'Ideals' in Germany, did you have any highlights from the tour?
There were a lot of highlights, Germany is an amazing place and all the people we met were so friendly and accommodating to us. It was such a shock to see how different the German music scene is in comparison to England; everyone just loves music and takes it at face value; they don’t care if it’s “Cool” etc. If it’s good, they’ll go and see it and buy it.
All the shows we played were amazing and we can’t wait to get back over there in the winter.

What would be your ideal 3 band line-up?
These are always tricky. For me it’d have to be:
The Smiths

What music are you currently playing on repeat?
I haven’t really been listening to a lot of new music at the moment, The Vaccines album is really easy to listen to and just good all round, I’ve had a brief listen to Suck It And See as well and that’s sounding pretty awesome. I’ve really been more just revisiting some of my favourite bands first albums etc. Manchester Orchestra’s first record “I’m Like a Virgin Losing a Child” is incredible and I urge everyone to go and listen to it. I really need someone to send me a list of bands/artists I’ve never heard of so I can answer these questions without looking quite as much like I know nothing about music.

And what music do you currently loathe?
I did have a real problem with WU-LYF when I first heard them but I think I’ve got to grips with it a bit more now. I don’t really loath anything off the top of my head, I mean obviously the top 10 is crammed full of shit right now but even those tracks have redeeming features and the kids love them.

And finally, do you have a date set for the EP release?
We’re looking at October/November right now but we haven’t got an exact date.
We’ll be finalising everything once we finish off the recording in August so we’ll let you know after that.
Altar by Ideals