Single Review... Swim Deep - King City

Having picked up this weeks edition of NME, I was very surprised to see Swim Deep as their 'Buzz band of the week', not that they're a rubbish band, but I didn't think NME still cared about small bands such as Swim Deep. I first heard them after I finished watching the 'Peace - Bblood' on YouTube, coincidently these two bands are friends, and their latest track beats 'Bblood' by a mile!

King City:
The song initially reminded me of the sounds of an early Is Tropical, but these guys are more than that. The first verse opens out and unfolds before you and you instantly fall in love with the guitar tones and pulsating bass. The chorus then wins you over with the urgency of it all. Swim Deep has seem to have stuck gold with their latest effort, I can see them having a very productive 2012 if they keep on producing great tracks such as this one!
Out of 10: 8.5/10

Swim Deep - King City
Out of 10: 8.5/10