Gig Review... Sharks @ Oran Mor, Glasgow, 30th April 2012

When I heard Tribes were coming to Glasgow I was interested right away but for me this show was equally about the main band and their support act Sharks. Two of my favourite new bands on one bill looked sure to provide a great night, and this was indeed the case. Despite having made many releases over the last few years Sharks finally released their début album 'No Gods' in March and drew mainly from this album for their setlist.

Blasting onstage the band showed they have improved hugely as a live act from last summer with a bigger sound than ever and possibly the loudest performance I've seen all year. But their songs aren't just about being big and noisy as the likes of 'Patient Spider' and set closer and highlight 'No Gods' prove. Rattling through half of hour of their best songs the band get the crowd doing, many of whom have come along wanting to see Sharks as much as, if not more than, Tribes. Despite singer James Mattlock having a sore throat seemingly they take on the challenge and meet it. Sharks have managed to take the potential they showed years ago and have now stepped up to the next level. A great live act to match one of the strongest début albums of the year, it looks like things are going well for Sharks.

Sharks played:
'Til The Wonders Rise
Arcane Effigies
Able Moving Hearts
It All Relates
Fallen On Deaf Ears
Sweet Harness
Patient Spider
No Gods

Written by - Neil Shaw