Album Review... Haim - Days Are Gone

Days Are Gone has been an eagerly anticipated release since their first single, Forever, was released here in the UK. Since that, the trio have gone from strength to strength and won various titles including the BBC's prestigious 'Sound of 2013' winner. Now that they have a lot of the industry behind them and a secure fan-base of all ages, this album was always going to be big.

Opening with Falling, Forever and The Wire; HAIM have managed to create an opening that breathes a familiar, friendly feel making people sing a long and enjoy the record as soon as it begins. Putting 3 of their biggest hits so far at the front is very risky due to the fact people could just turn off after that but for some, it's going to get them heavily involved in the album and religiously listening right until the end. Putting together those Pop-Rock vibes and adding some R&B hints in to the solution, the slight 80's tinge to it only compliments their sound even more. Each song brings a completely different take on their style proving that Days Are Gone is about to become a diverse catalogue of Pop-Rock anthems. However, it's not these tracks that do the record justice. This is only the beginning and things definitely get better.

It's the newer material like Honey & I as well as Days Are Gone that make it all a lot more interesting. Playing with their sound and vocally changing their style, HAIM have managed to put together music that we can indulge in and find new pieces of the song the more we listen. They sound simple on the first listen but after you understand the rich texture that layers it all, it's incredibly easy to realise what lays underneath. Bringing sweet synthesisers and small, but very effective, guitar loops in to the equation with some very original vocals; the sisters manage to make a record that definitely hasn't been heard before. All of the new songs, as well as the old, have an edge about them making old songs like Go Slow a lot more different to the original version we heard on the Forever EP at the beginning of their career. Each track builds upon the previous one but sets you up for the next, it's like a team who are ready to big each other up – it works!

In saying all this, it does feel like one or two tracks have been paid less attention to than others. It may be because I haven't fully understood them yet or just don't warm to them as much as others but Song 5 seems to be something that is not suppose to be on the album. It has a big sound and is quite good but it sticks out like a sore thumb, changing the direction of the album a hell of a lot and then swapping straight back once it gets to the end. Maybe the girls wanted to shake it up and keep people on their feet, or in this case listening. One thing it does show is that Danielle's voice does work with a lot of styles and genres, allowing the band to experiment with many different situations and see what really does work best for their ability. Everything then picks up as we're directed to Let Me Go; an epic song of drum battles, vocal tricks from Danielle and Este plus memorable lyrics that have you singing a long every time you hear it. There was no better way than to kick off the beginning of the end with this track, it leads the way for the final song – Running If You Call My Name. It's a memorable finish that celebrates just how fast their career has progressed and how successful they have become. They're still grounded but they're making the best music they can and that's all we need.

Days Are Gone is a showcase of HAIM's talent, an impeccable mix of genres and multiple skills colliding together to make one of the best Pop-Rock records in a while. It holds anthems, chill out tracks and so much more. I doubt this is going to disappoint fans, it's only going to gain some more. Listen to it carefully and you will hear everything they wanted you to.

Out of 10: 8/10

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