Sounds of 2014 - #16 - The New Union

We're forever banging on about The New Union, and for good reasons too! Their latest release was the long awaited by us, the "Staying Friends" EP just shows off the band's talent in tremendous light. We've been admirers of The New Union from their very first demos, and after seeing the Brighton four-piece perform last year we knew that their music is going to get them recognised.

Their self-titled EP "The New Union" is out now and is available on vinyl and digital download.  Be sure to check them out live, they're always playing shows dotted around Brighton and London. They've played shows supporting some of the finest bands around, for example The Neighbourhood. They seem to be the promoters go-to-band when they want some quality support for touring bands.

So 2014 is shaping up to be a big year for the four-piece, even if they carry on supporting the bigger bands they're getting their name out there. Maybe and EP release next year, or a couple of singles, but so long as they release something I can see them getting a tremendous amount of hype behind them! Their début EP and single are both out now, go grab a copy if you like what you're hearing!

// Upcoming live dates \\
December 12th @ Also Known As, Banbury

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