Track of the week... Francis Lung - A Selfish Man

We're kicking off our 'Track of the week' segment this week with a real stunner, it's Francis Lung's latest track off his first official single "A Selfish Man". The song itself is out 16th of January on Atelier Ciseaux with a B-Side  - "Tsunami Blues (Cause of Me)". So after the sudden split of Wu Lyf - which we're still getting over like a wife who left us - fans were wondering where they could listen to music of the same quality. We had Los Porcos' début release (which he is a member of) and Ellery's track too, but something was still missing.

2014 opens up with this track and we just can't believe what a breath of fresh air it is, the track starts off so simplistic yet just so elegant, the clicks and light guitars welcome you into a track then bursts out into something that wouldn't seem out of place during summer evenings partying with a few chums sipping crisp cider. The track really does behold some sharp melodies and gorgeous vocals from Francis, he really is a diamond hidden amongst the rest of his ex band. And speaking of that band you can hear that he is possibly singing about them here? Just listen to the chorus ...
"When everything becomes too much
You have to leave, abandoning was not the plan
But I don't wanna know you
Or wanna understand
I can let you go
Cause I'm a selfish man".
The now ex members of said band have rarely spoken about what happened, but now it seems like we have closure. That aside, Francis Lung has given us one of the best tracks to start off 2014 with. I doth my hat to you sir!

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