Everything Everything are back with another great video directed by their very own Jonathan Higgs, and with the band tipped for the Mercury Prize Award this year by the bookies it looks like Everything Everything are getting bigger and bigger with every album.
Higgs explains the video below...
"The song talks about seasons passing and getting older, so we wanted to concentrate on the Sun and make it into a kind of oppressive force - positive and life-giving but also burning and destructive. We used Ultra-Violet and Infra-Red cameras to get a look at the sun damage on our skin, and give everything an alien look. We shot in a quarry so we could have a clear horizon and a dry, hot, desert scene. Most of the sun effects were completed afterwards because we picked a rainy day to shoot, though we did spray everything silver in order to get some good light reflections and add to the heatproof/astronaut feel."