[GIG REVIEW] The Blinders @ King Tuts Wa Wa Hut, Glasgow, 2nd February 2018

The Blinders started their U.K tour on Friday (2/2/18) night in Glasgow. I attended their gig in King Tuts Wa Wa Hut and I am happy that I went as this was full on live music at its best. The Blinders came on stage one at a time. First on drummer Matty Neale, Charlie McGough bass & vocals comes next dressed in the smart black suit he wears on stage then lead singer and guitarist Thomas Haywood apprears wearing black & white striped trousers, black shirt with black face paint covering his eyes and cheeks, all of this makes for a very striking appearance. One thing's for sure you won't mix these guys up visually or musically with any other band out there at the moment.

The Blinders' Thomas Haywood, lead guitar & vocals.                Photo credit:Sarah Gibson           
 "Blinders,Blinders" the chant goes. The set begins with the furiously paced Got To Get Through, this is a crackin song it has the crowd in the small venue singing and dancing. This is definitely the way for a gig to begin. Swine blasts out next you can't mistake this song, the guitars have a throbbing build up as Thomas Haywood screams out the lyrics "There is no hope! There is no hope!" and the room screams back, there is a hypnotic quality to the guitars and drums in this song.The lads certainly know how to make the room pay attention to them, great to see a band control the room in this way. They play through a couple more songs, each new song brings a new excitement to the venue. Crowd pumped, band playing fantastically well, they hit Free The Slave and the crowd go wild now there is a chaotic maelstrom of people in the first few rows.

The Blinders Bass guitar & vocals, Charlie McGough                                                               Photo credit: Sarah Gibson
Charlie McGough is now standing at the front of the photographers pit in the iconic manner he does at most Blinders gigs, one leg bent leaning on top of the railing, guitar in hand staring at the frenzy of people in front of him. The manic uproar that has taken over King Tuts music venue was quite the sight to see. I Can't Breathe Blues rings out and calms the audience, breifly. Matty definetly has this crowd dancing to his beats tonight. The melancholic sound of guitars and lyrics like "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth" let you in to the bands veiws on the ever changing face of Britain and the ruthless nature of the world we live in today.

The Blinders,King Tuts Wa Wa Hut, Glasgow                                                                     Photo credit: Sarah Gibson

The deep drone of Where No Man Comes plays and the slow pace of this song shows off their talent as skilled musicians. Brave New World is a clever song full of cut throat, truthful lyrics, "I want to be from the land of the free. It's a brave new world",fuzzy chords and loud blasting beats make this a favourite tonight. Hate song plays and everyone in King Tuts senses the intensity of this particular song,room bouncing,crowd cheering it goes down well and also seems to be a favourite. It's hard to pick a favorite from this set as every song they have played have all been brilliant. Thomas has switched guitars to the beautiful blue teardrop shaped guitar he plays. Murder At The Ballet begins in a hale of distorted, fuzzy chords and the slow rythmn of this song has a ferocity within it coming in the form of  brutal vocals from lead Thomas Haywood. The sound coming from stage is a layered, psychadellic funk blowing the lyrics over the top of everyone surrounding them in a cloud of musical angst. Thomas and Charlie play Ramona Flowers, this is a relativley delicate song and has few lyrics but the heavy melodies and rythmns produced for this number make you sway and appreciate what it is the Blinders are conveying within their music. Sadly this gig must come to a close, Brutus/Berlin Wall is the finishing song and what a way to close the gig.

 The Blinders Drummer Matty Neale                                                                                             Photo credit: Sarah Gibson                                                                   

Matty Neale drums like a man possesed, faster and faster the drums become,a thunderous noise is reverbarting around the venue. There is an other worldly sound coming from the guitars,all out carnage is happening on and off stage, "Is it right to think you're wrong? Is it right to write a song?" comes blaring out if the mic. YES! the answer is yes, keep writing and producing music like this. We need this kind of thought provoking originality that The Blinders have.

 This band are a definite must see live act for any festivals or gigs you may be attending this year. The Blinders band have an intensity, a ferocity about them that totally engulfs you. The political points of veiw and in your face lyrics are an intersesting mix. they manage to pull this off seamlessly coupled with their unique style of music makes for great music. They put every ounce of energy into their gigs and give it their all on stage. The Bluinders don't just put obn a gig they give you a full Blinders show. I loved this gig,one of the best  I've been to, I will definetly be going to more gigs that The Blinders are playing.

             Written by Laura Murdoch Morrison

You can cathch The Blinders on the last leg of their tour in the following venues:
 16/02/18-Birmingham, Flower Lounge/SOLD OUT
 17/02/18-Oxford, The Cellar
 19/02/18- Southampton, Joiners
 21/02/18- London, Lexington /SOLD OUT
 22/02/18- Bournemouth, Sixty Million Postcards
 23/02/18- Leeds, Brundenell Social Club
 24/02/18- Ramsgate, Music Hall