Lily Moore shares her debut track, "Not That Special"

Just so you know, that's the title of the track, Lilly Moore's latest track is more than that, it's beautiful. Her vocals can be compared directly with Amy Winehouse and Duffy in the way she just captivates you right as soon as she starts to sing. From humble beginnings busking on the streets of Brighton she is certainly on the road to great things, and with support slots for Tom Grennen already in the bag big tings are surely to come!

"Not That Special" was produced by Jim Abbiss (Arctic Monkeys & Adele).

About the video Lily says - "... The video was filmed in my hometown of Brighton, hanging out with friends. All people in the video are mates who I grew up with. I can’t act or dance but we managed to capture the song just by us doing our own thing"