Little Junior share their cover of "I Really Like You" by Carly Rae Jepsen

If you come away from listening to this track saying "I really really really really really really really like this" then I'm going to have to give you a high-five, as we love it. Canada's very own Little Junior have covered the track by Carly Rae Jepsen and have given it a Punk/Revival flavour to it.

They seem to be the perfect blend of Pixies, Power-Pop and Punk-Rock/Revival - giving this cover an upbeat vibe that actually got me checking out their other stuff, and which I might add is just as addictive!

The band even say - "Any money we get from covering this video by the flawless Carly Rae Jepsen is going to Youth Line, a youth-led organization that provides peer support for LGBTQ2 youth in Toronto. It's a great cause and we feel we have a responsibility to use our privilege to give back to our community. To our LGBTQ2 family and friends: we see you, we're here for you"