Berne's new visual is out and ready to bring you those soothing vibes as the current climate definitely requires it.
The video perfectly reflects the track, bringing you those warm feelings visually whilst having the calm vocals blend in the best way possible.
The video perfectly reflects the track, bringing you those warm feelings visually whilst having the calm vocals blend in the best way possible.
To The Lions is a track about the power of change. Society has convinced us that animals live to serve humans, but we believe it's time to change that mindset. That's the hope and possibility we explore on this track."
Berne on the new track:
“Filmed one sunny December day in Malta, the concept for the video is to try and represent distressed animals in a confined space (displayed by the frame behind us, and the close up shots) with dreams about being free (this is shown by the slightly zoomed out shots). As the video progresses, we keep edging closer and closer to freedom until we finally reach it, which is when the frame behind us doesn't show anymore and all we see before us are beautiful fields."