Red Shakes have recently released their latest single, "Believe It", which acts as their fourth ever release. Now when I say they/their what I actually mean is he, yes you read that right, Red Shakes is a solo project of Sam Da Silva.
Leeds once again has produced a fantastic Indie-Rock band to be proud of.
Right from the off the single is raw and direct with vocals that hook you in, combine that with driving guitar riffs and thick basslines compliment the vocalist's tones and you've got an Indie-Rock classic on your hands.
"Believe It" also has a driving drumbeat that also helps to ensure that your foot is stomping right until the last beat of the song is played. I can easily see this song being jumped, moshed, and partied to in sweaty music venues - it's got that sort of underground indie-rock vibe while keeping a fresh and bright tone throughout.
Speaking about the tune the band say " ... "Believe It is a song about how it is pointless to argue with people that have strong differing opinions as you'll never change their minds, whether it be politics, philosophies or views"
Red Shakes have only been releasing music for around a year but in that time they've already gained the support of a handful of media outlets as well as Amazing Radio. This clearly is the start of a wonderful journey for Sam and from what we can hear is that it's going to be filled with more cracking tunes such as this.
Be sure to head to Red Shakes' Spotify page to listen to all four tracks that are out, if you love this then you'll love the rest!