Teen Mortgage drop their thrilling new single, "Smoked"

Punk duo Teen Mortgage who hails from Washington D.C. have today dropped their thrilling new single, "Smoked". The single is their second of 2021, which follows on from their infectious tune "What Is Life", and from as far as we can hear this three-minute thrill is just as addictive.
It's a thrilling whirlwind of a track and can really push the band's presence onto a wider audience, we're loving it and you certainly will do too. 

The guitars from the outlet are laced in fuzz and are backed up with some frantic drumming, if you're a fan of Royal Blood then these guys might be perfect for you. The chorus elevated the track even further and has a lot of post-punk vibes to them too, mixed in with some hardcore elements and riffs a-plenty ensuring that your ears are always tuned in to the track. 

Speaking about "Smoked" the band mention - "[It's] an anthem dedicated to the escape from angst and our mundane society that skateboarding gifts you. As a skate culture double entendre, "Smoked" means to fall and slam really hard when trying a trick. This is exactly what it felt like to be an American during the pandemic. We slammed really hard, and all we wanted was an escape."

It's a thrilling whirlwind of a track and can really push the bands presence onto a wider audience, we're loving it and you certainly will do too.