Hailing from Stockholm in Sweden we have Big No No with their second EP of the year, the first was titled "First Three Songs" and this new EP is named "Three More Songs" - perfectly apt if you ask me.
Now the EP opens up with the fast-paced "Comeback kid", it opens up with a guitar that sounds like it's wanting to overtake you on the motorway, we're doing 100mph here and this track makes me want to go faster. The chorus is frantic and full of gorgeous sun-kissed guitar tones and slightly hazy vocals giving you the illusion you're in a packed tent at a festival.
Sandwiched in the middle of the release is the longest track on the EP, sitting in at three and a half minutes it's almost punk-rock with it's approach, there's some edgier guitars and those frantic drums once again return, but this time the drummer at least manages to get his breath back in moments, but not for long! As the centerpiece of the EP this stands out for me as the highlight - it's full of everything I love about guitar music and more!
Closing the trio of songs is "She's a Caribou" which is more of a subdued song, a collide of sounds from Tame Impala, David Bowie and Beach House are heard here. Certainly a slower affair but the instrumentation on here is top notch like the others before it, from the guitar solos that sound like something from the 1980's to the warm fuzz that covers it all.
Big No No's latest EP is a rip-roaring success if you ask me, and if you're new to them then welcome to the fanclub - I'm now into them as what I've heard is amazing.