Following on from their single "Snow", PAGES. are back with a commanding new tune, "So Wrong So Right". Once again what we have from PAGES. is what can only be described as anthemic-rock with electronic hues. The track opens up with a faint electronic warble before a chunky guitar takes over the airwaves. backed up with a simplistic - but effective - drum beat the vocals come in and the track starts to take shape.
... they're only building on their success with every release, and "So Wrong So Right" might just be the track to get them noticed from labels!
There isn't much of a bridge going into the chorus but that means we're straight into the good stuff, the chorus and post-chorus there is a festival ready guitar hook that'll make literally anyone stomp their feet with appreciation.
With a string of shows supporting fellow Scottish heavyweights The LaFontaines, as well as a strong opening few singles to their career they're only building on their success with every release, and "So Wrong So Right" might just be the track to get them noticed from labels - they'd fit in perfectly with LAB Records - but while we wait for that be sure to give their previous cuts a play.